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Posts Tagged "encounter"

Getting Squirrely

Posted on Jun 20, 2015

Getting Squirrely

Things got a little squirrely in Philadelphia last night! What was that Wild America I was talking about? It’s hard to get much more American than baseball and wilder than a squirrel on the loose in a packed stadium. Here’s hoping this one found its way back to the streets after finding a few tasty treats. As usual an unexpected animal at a baseball game is a crowd pleasure, and something the fans always root for. Your browser does not support iframes. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Red Fox Encounter

Posted on Dec 7, 2014

Red Fox Encounter

I recently encountered an old friend in the form of a Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) at a known site that has a den and an annual family. I was unexpectedly thrust into the role of being the stalker instead of the sly fox. Even that is not a very accurate description as I stopped moving when I spotted it, knowing that it would detect me if I continued my progress. It was busy hunting, likely for small mammals, right along the earth in these grasslands. It took a couple of snaps of my shutter for it to turn around, see me, and then flee, all recorded below. This is what most mammalian predators,...

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