Red-breasted Nuthatch Invasion
Who turned the Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) switch on? The most noticeable trend thus far in this autumn migration has been the appearance of Red-breasted Nuthatches all over the place in the Northeast. Birders have reported them at migratory hotspots, in yards where they are not resident, and even noticeable increases in abundance at locations where they are found year-round. While I have enjoyed hearing their nasal, honking calls and seeing them frantically dashing overhead from tree to tree, I was not able to adequately photograph any of these arrivals until this past weekend....
Read MoreWhimbrel
This is not a very good photo, but it is a very good bird – the Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus). If you live near any coastal areas you should keep an eye and an ear open to watch and listen for them migrating by right now, as this bird was doing. It was really moving, and being an able and swift flier is something you need to do when you are cruising between continents and hemispheres…
Read MoreRadar Migration September 1, 2016
Happy September! Kick yours off with a great day of birding tomorrow and hopefully Saturday as the birds head out on the northerly flow behind the finally departed front. Once we get to Sunday the weather gets intriguing with Tropical Storm Hermine making a run to the Northeast and likely impacting conditions throughout the region. Remember that when looking at this radar capture the darker the blue, the more birds in the air. Green is even more intense and heavy migration. The birds appear to be basically centered around radar stations because the radar beam rises through the atmosphere as...
Read MoreButterfly Weed Party
Below is a photo of an absurd scene that became normal this August on any Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) that I could find – look at all those butterflies! The fiery orange flower is a native milkweed and extremely attractive to a wide variety of species looking for some nectar. We have an Orange Sulphur, Crescents, and the iconic and wonderfully matched Monarchs all feeding here. Just how many Crescents can we fit on one bloom? Take a look at this Monarch as it is showing some signs of wear and tear. This individual likely took a long journey to us and now it will mate, lay eggs,...
Read MoreYoung Gray Catbird
The last of our fledglings are finding their way out of the nest now as September nears. This Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) will have to start forging a path in the world shortly, deciding how far south it has to fly in order to survive. It is a difficult choice – migration is the most dangerous part of a bird’s life, and minimizing it is optimal. However, you may end up facing a much harsher winter with frigid temperatures, snowfall, and less food than a more distant tropical climate. Decisions…
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