Bad Hair Day
Don’t worry, Savannah Sparrow, bad hair days happen to all of us. Speaking of that, our collective feathers and hair are all about to be blown away. We had a warm and very not November-like stretch but the snow is coming to Chautauqua County! Be safe and enjoy the beginning act of the winter season.
Read MoreLeucistic Yellow-rumped Warbler
Here is that unique Yellow-rumped Warbler which I mentioned in a previous post. Can you see what looks different about it? I noticed it naked eye while tracking various subjects in a loose flock through the trees last week including more Yellow-rumps, Black-and-white Warblers, Blue-headed Vireos, and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers. After I got my binoculars on it I realized this bird was partially leucistic, and I quickly raised my camera to snap off a record photo. Leucism in birds is when melanin pigments are produced at less than normal levels or in an unexpected pattern. In this case many of the...
Read MoreLeucistic Savannah Sparrow
This appears to be a partially leucistic Savannah Sparrow, a migrant individual that I was surprised by yesterday morning. Leucism is when pigments are produced at less than normal levels or in an unexpected pattern. In this case many of the feathers on the head and throat do not have typical pigmentation. Interestingly the yellow patch on the face can still be seen, giving this unique bird an all the more fascinating look. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreSleepy Snowy Owl
I recently found this Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) taking a snooze on a cloudy and dreary sort of morning, sitting in the snow in some grasslands, blending in well with its surroundings. This bird looks to be an adult male with an almost all-white head and body. Despite how sleepy it was it stayed on guard, a silent and barely-moving sentinel occasionally turning its head to check something out with eyes still nearly entirely shut. There are still plenty of these visitors around, and soon enough they will be moving back to the north. Get out and find one! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation &...
Read MoreTrumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator)
Here in Chautauqua County we are accustomed to seeing Tundra Swans (Cygnus columbianus) throughout the migratory and wintering seasons. If you are very lucky you may someday be able to pick out a Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) in similar habitats. The Trumpeter Swan, the largest of North America’s waterfowl, was nearly extinct in the early 20th century. Thankfully hunting for feathers for the quill pen market, among others, has ended and their numbers have rebounded. This is also due to hard work by the conservation community in North America. It can be very difficult to separate a...
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