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Posts Tagged "Speranza pustularia"

Lesser Maple Spanworm Face

Posted on Jul 27, 2015

Lesser Maple Spanworm Face

Here is a face to face of sorts with the Lesser Maple Spanworm (Speranza pustularia). They seem to be relatively common in my experience this year, and they have a somewhat long flight season compared to some others that I have not seen repeatedly when mothing. What big eyes you have! All the better to see you with… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Lesser Maple Spanworm

Posted on Jun 27, 2015

Lesser Maple Spanworm

I had literally one shot of this moth, and here it is! I suppose the camera and the flash at dusk was enough for it to think about finding a better spot as it flew off to another bush. It looks to be a Lesser Maple Spanworm (Speranza pustularia), a common species with its name as a host plant, among several other abundant trees. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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