Singing Song
This can be the quietest time of the season for some Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) as they keep their incessant and resonant voices down after having established territory, found a mate, and successfully built a nest. You do not want to advertise quite as much when there are eggs and young to protect, but sometimes you do have to keep an eye on your property and belt out a tune or two.
Read MoreEurasian Wigeon Calling & Courting
Take a look and listen to this drake Eurasian Wigeon calling and courting some female American Wigeons, off camera. His loud call is one you are not likely to hear over here in North America! This bird is a continuing individual that has spent months in Stratford, Connecticut. Spring waterfowl activity is building up, and I wonder if this guy will actually spend breeding season here. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
Read MoreAmerican Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) by Scott Kruitbosch
The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) is the most vibrant and unmistakable shorebird along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts. Their loud and almost rattling “wheep” calls are filling the air of beaches and offshore islands as territories are established. Many people say they resemble clowns – what do you think?
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