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Throwback Thursday-MYN

Posted on Jan 22, 2015

Throwback Thursday! I took this photo of our President, Twan Leenders, photographing a Dragon’s Mouth Orchid (Arethusa bulbosa) this past spring Meet Your Neighbours style. This particular flower is quite a sight as it only exists in very rare habitats and is one of only two species of Arethusa on the planet! It is an imperiled species throughout much of its range and can be easily overlooked due to its small size. As you can see here, it took Twan a bit of contorting to get an eye level view of the flower in order to get the perfect shot. Meet Your Neighbours is an international photographic project RTPI contributes to that highlights our often overlooked, but beautiful natural neighbors. Whether they are common or rare, each species has a purpose and place, and it is our responsibility to share with others about them and be good stewards of the species and habitats they reside in.


Elyse Henshaw
Conservation Technician