With the recent snows and plummeting temperatures, the Snowy Owls within the area are feeling right at home in the tundra like conditions. These arctic visitors, that typically visit the region’s many snowy and seemingly barren fields in an irregular fashion, are in full force for a second year with multiple sightings throughout Chautauqua County. While most of us are cooped up inside protecting ourselves from the elements, these owls endure the weather while perching themselves on good vantage points within fields or along beaches, getting an owl’s eye view in search of small mammals, waterfowl or other birds to make a meal of. This owl, an adult male, has been seen sitting on mounds of snow near the airport in Jamestown, scoping out the fields for something to munch on. As you can see, this boy blends in beautifully to the surrounding snowy field, even as it flies off in search of a good hunting area.
Elyse Henshaw
Conservation Technician