May 25 – July 6, 2014
Environmental Impact
This ambitious traveling exhibition, assembled by Milwaukee-based curator David J. Wagner, Ph.D., features works by internationally-known artists in a range of styles and media. The pieces, outstanding in and of themselves, are united in their ominous message of a natural world under attack by over-consumption of natural resources, global climate change, and other human causes. “It is as if beauty has been harnessed to foretell the end,” Michael Charles Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison write in their essay accompanying “Environmental Impact.”
In producing the exhibition, Wagner said he was heartened to discover “that there exists any number of highly successful, top-flight professional artists who have dedicated their considerable talent to confront the variety of difficult environmental issues that we face today.” According to Wagner, because most art depicts “nature in all its pristine glory,” he sought to “showcase work that focuses on subjects and images that are closer to the reality of the age we live in” and focus on “ailments confronting humanity and the health of the planet today.” Viewers of this exhibition will be sure to leave impressed with the execution of the artwork and with renewed commitment to do whatever we can to protect and conserve the natural world on which we all depend.
For complete information about Environmental Impact, visit:
For installation photographs, visit: