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Nature Will Soon Be at Your Fingertips!

Posted on Dec 6, 2016

For me, it’s exciting to see those little snow clouds pop up on your weather app as well as the banner associated with lake effect snow warnings, like what we have right now for Chautauqua County. After a long year under the influence of a strong El Nino, it will be a welcomed relief to see its effects diminish while the influence of a forecasted La Nina is expected to move in. The area’s local businesses, organizations and outdoor enthusiasts could certainly benefit from some augmented snowfall this upcoming winter season.

It won't be long before these trails will be snow covered and a flurry of activity will surround them!

It won’t be long before these trails will be snow covered and a flurry of activity will surround them!

If you stop and think about it, its rather amazing that something as simple as snow can bring a whole lot of people together. Working on the “Nature at Your Fingertips” cell phone tour program over the past few years and personally getting more involved in the sport of snowmobiling, I’ve really been taken back by how large a community exists and how they work together to promote the area. Becoming integrated into this community has, in some ways, changed the focus of the cell phone tour to not just simply be a project RTPI created with the help of others, but more so it has become a program that has been built by the minds and might of many to promote our backyard, our trails and our county. This program is the only one like it in the state and its something to be proud of!


Over the weekend at the Mayville Snowmobile Show, we got a lot of positive feedback on the tour and excited many to give it a try this upcoming winter season.

I’m excited for what this winter will hold and am excited to see people out there trying this program out for the sake of getting more familiar with the many stories and significant landmarks we have in this area. This year’s iteration of the tour has fresh content at each stop and thanks to our friends at Orbitist, has several new features making it even easier to use. Now all we need is some snow and we will be ready to go!

Elyse Henshaw
Conservation Technician