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Piping Plovers Return

Posted on Mar 26, 2016

They’re backkkkk! The Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) have returned to Connecticut in the past couple of weeks. This individual was resting at Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven yesterday. Many of our sandy beaches have them dashing around after insects and aquatic invertebrate food along the water as they begin to claim territories and form pairs. There are more birds yet to arrive this spring, but our work in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds is well underway seven days a week right now. Please email ctwaterbirds@gmail.com for instructions on how you can become a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service volunteer monitor for the Piping Plover as well as watching for the American Oystercatcher and, come May, Least and Common Terns. You can also contact us if you wish to help out with string fencing and signage on a beach this April. We need all the help we can get to repeat or better the last two historically successful years. Thank you to all our terrific monitors for your constant service!

Piping Plover SMP-9265

Scott Kruitbosch
Conservation & Outreach Coordinator