Here is an impressive view of the eastern United States just after midnight today, October 1, 2015. The precipitation we can see south of New England over the ocean and into the Mid-Atlantic and south is from a cold front that passed through yesterday and is now nearly stationary. It allowed migrant birds to take to the air on subsequent strong northerly winds. However, this front will creep back to the west, and we do not yet know what Hurricane Joaquin will do to the east coast. It will most likely thread the needle between an Atlantic high and a coastal low, moving into the Mid-Atlantic in coming days, bringing a host of uncommon and rare birds to various regions. It will be difficult for too many migrant raptors to move with cloudy and wet weather, though these winds are a great motivation after uncooperative southerly flow conditions. The migratory corridor may shift west as tropical air and precipitation conquer the coastline, and next week may end up being a sizable flight south for many. One thing is certain – it will be a difficult, unpredictable and busy several days for both people and birds.
Scott Kruitbosch
Conservation & Outreach Coordinator