While some stayed inside and enjoyed the beautiful, bitter cold landscape from the windowsill, many others were out in the winter wonderland that engulfed Chautauqua County this past weekend. Most of the county club’s snowmobile trails were open for traffic to traverse through the fields and forests, providing a unique opportunity to enjoy the incredible natural resources the county has to offer. Riding underneath the bows of a spruce forest in the state lands to riding across a sturdily built bridge passing over a stream provides a perspective not likely seen otherwise during this time of the year. I personally enjoyed a ride on Saturday; and, while we were out we came across a number of RTPI’s “Nature at Your Fingertips” cell phone tour signs, ready to be used and chock full of information highlighting some of the natural and historical stops that give riders such an incredible view out on the trails. As season progresses, I encourage everyone to check out the tour on the trails, I guarantee you will learn something new!
Elyse Henshaw
Conservation Technician