Piping Plover Record Setting Success
It is our tremendous pleasure to announce that in 2014 we helped the Connecticut population of Piping Plovers set an all-time record for the number of successfully fledged chicks at 116! Born from 51 pairs across Connecticut these young birds shattered the old state record of 101 fledged young in 2008. This is an astonishing success due to the efforts of over 400 volunteers across Connecticut and multiple partners including the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), and the Audubon Alliance for...
Read MoreRusty Blackbird Blitz 2015 – Areas of Interest
As a follow up to this recent blog entry here is an important link to the Areas of Interest for the Rusty Blackbird Spring Migration Blitz 2015. These locations had large flocks of Rusty Blackbirds present during the 2014 spring migration and should definitely be monitored in 2015. Undoubtedly there will be more areas added thanks to new discoveries by citizen scientists in 2015, but this provides a great road map and a way to be sure we check out the best hotspots this spring. At the very least it serves as a way to find Rusty Blackbirds near you.
Read MoreHappy New Year!
Happy New Year to all our friends! We hope you have a sensational 2015. On the last day of 2014 please help make our wonderful past year all the better! As the sole official steward of Roger Tory Peterson’s wondrous legacy RTPI connects people with nature through Art, Conservation and Education. Your gifts support our continuing mission to teach, conserve birds and wildlife, and embrace the natural world, keeping Roger’s vision alive. Thank you and please visit us soon!
Read MoreYear-end Gift to Roger Tory Peterson Institute
Dear Friends of RTPI, Just before Christmas when snow and cold started to slow down our natural history studies at home, we shifted gears and started our seasonal work in the tropics. Have you ever wondered where our summer birds spend the holidays? Well, here are a few highlights of what we are finding at the RTPI-supported Nicoya Peninsula Avian Research Station (NPARS) in northwestern Costa Rica.
Read MorePlanning meeting for Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds
If you haven’t noticed we at RTPI are going to make a more concerted effort to show you all what really goes on during our work days. Many of the beautiful birds and other creatures we post to share and enjoy are taken during a very tiny slice of our time. Today I spent the afternoon meeting with our friends and partners from Audubon Connecticut at the Audubon Center at Bent of the River in Southbury, Connecticut. We discussed our partnership efforts in the upcoming 2015 season for the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds. Pictured here are Audubon Connecticut’s Patrick...
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