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Posts Tagged "advocacy"

Great success with Connecticut waterbirds

Posted on Sep 2, 2014

Great success with Connecticut waterbirds

Today I sent out the final 2014 Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (AAfCW) weekly update email to all of our shorebird monitors and volunteers. Waterbird nesting season has come to a close and all of the juvenile and adult birds are on the way south for the year. Despite having a reduced staff the third AAfCW year may be the most successful yet in terms of breeding productivity for critical species like the federally threatened Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), habitat monitoring, conservation efforts, volunteer engagement, outreach and education. Here is a brief rundown of some of...

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Share eBird checklists with us

Posted on Aug 15, 2014

Share eBird checklists with us

These Semipalmated Sandpipers may be flying by a coast near you now as shorebird migration heats up. Have you birded in Connecticut in 2014? Do you have eBird checklists from ANY 2014 date with ANY tern, shorebird or wader species? Please share them with us with the email address ctwaterbirds@gmail.com via eBird’s share function. This extra data and hours from time you spent as a citizen scientist helps our mission at the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds tremendously – thanks!

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