American Toad on a Toad Stool
Here’s to a great start to your week with a shot from Twan taken a few months ago – an American Toad on a toad stool!
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This past week we visited another Natural History Atlas site, Canadaway Creek Wildlife Management Area, to survey for a diversity of species and update our past information about the site. While we were out exploring and recording the species we came across, we noticed a number of tiny American toads (Anaxyrus americanus), or toadlets, hopping across the trail. Only about half an inch long, these little toads were recently metamorphosed from nearby ponds and pools. These amphibians waste no time at all, as it only takes them about 1-2 months to go from a gelatinous egg to a free swimming...
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Here’s an American Toad friend that Sean found on an excursion during RTPI’s Bird Fest 2014. The shades on this one..incredible!
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Earlier this afternoon RTPI conservation staff joined Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy staff for a walk on a prospective site on Goose Creek. We recorded 64 bird species, dozens of wildflowers and vernal pools with Wood Frog, Spotted Salamander and American Toad (like this one!) egg masses. Very cool finds on a hot spring day.
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