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Posts Tagged "Audubon Connecticut"

Noble Proctor BioBlitz Challenge at Hammonasset Tomorrow

Posted on May 13, 2016

Noble Proctor BioBlitz Challenge at Hammonasset Tomorrow

Noble Proctor BioBlitz Challenge at Hammonasset on May 14, 2016 Please join family, friends, colleagues and students for a celebration of Noble Proctor’s life in the form of a BioBlitz Challenge at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, Connecticut on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 8AM to sunset. Our headquarters for the BioBlitz will be at the pavilion near Willard’s Island. A BioBlitz is a race to find every species of life possible – birds, mammals, plants, insects, and more. We will form teams to search the park and record all the species we can discover. At 1:00 PM, we will come together...

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Noble Proctor Video

Posted on May 7, 2016

Noble Proctor Video

NEXT SATURDAY: A celebration of Noble Proctor’s life in the form of a BioBlitz Challenge at Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, Connecticut on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 8AM to sunset. Our headquarters for the BioBlitz will be at the pavilion near Willard’s Island. At 1:00 PM, we will come together as a group, sit down for lunch, and have a gathering at the pavilion to say a few words about Noble. Please take a look at this touching and wonderful short video on Noble by Patrick...

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Fencing & Signage Operations Complete

Posted on Apr 26, 2016

Fencing & Signage Operations Complete

Last week we finished string fencing and signage operations for the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds on our Connecticut beaches. We had a tremendous volunteer turnout at some of the most difficult and critical sites including Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven, Bluff Point State Park in Groton, and Long Beach in Stratford. It was a gorgeous April day for this work at Long Beach, and most of it was completed in only a few hours thanks to the terrific help. This work was completed just in time as we now have the first Piping Plover and American Oystercatcher nests of 2016...

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CT DEEP AAfCW Beach Training

Posted on Apr 21, 2016

CT DEEP AAfCW Beach Training

A big thank you to the volunteers who attended Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection training on how to monitor Piping Plovers and Least Terns at Sandy/Morse Points in West Haven this past Sunday. CT DEEP Wildlife Biologist Laura Saucier was joined by Audubon Connecticut Waterbird Technician Ewa Holland and me in my role as Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds Volunteer Coordinator. We gathered with our monitors on the beach on a truly beautiful Sunday morning with the sun shining brightly on the shore. Laura discussed the finer points of how to approach these...

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Piping Plover Activity

Posted on Apr 7, 2016

Piping Plover Activity

The Piping Plover nesting season is now off to a slow start in Connecticut as sub-freezing temperatures and snow, sleet and freezing rain have all been seen recently…with more to come! That puts a pause on our operations and the beginning of the breeding activities of our birds. More often than not they have been seen only foraging or sticking close together in small groups. However, we will still need volunteer help for erecting string fencing and signage around these soon to be nesting areas on the following dates at these locations: Monday, April 11th, 10:00 – Sandy/Morse...

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