Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens)
For those of you that guessed Black-throated Blue Warbler for our confusing fall warbler question, you would be correct! As you may have noticed both the prior photo and this photo of the Black-throated Blue Warbler features them in-hand after receiving a small silver band on one of their legs. While the birds migrate from the northeast, upon their return and possible recapture, ornithologists can gather a great deal of data as to where the birds may have traveled to, whether they return to the same breeding grounds year after year as well as what their overall state of health appears to be....
Read MoreBald Eagle
This Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was one of 36 migrant Bald Eagles recorded at the Boothe Park Hawk Watch on September 20, 2015, breaking our previous daily record of 22 that had been set on September 14, 2014. The next two days in the record books were of 20 Bald Eagles apiece, making it an especially strong Sunday. We have been off to a difficult start considering the record-shattering heat in September, but Osprey have been abundant – in fact, we soared by our yearly record of them already! Bald Eagles have also been strong in numbers overall as both formerly endangered...
Read MoreBoothe Park Hawk Watch 2015 Season
We are now well into the fall hawk watch season as sites across the country are staffed by citizen scientists engaged in counting raptors heading south for the winter. Various hawk, falcon, vulture, eagle, and kite species plus birds like the Osprey, Northern Harrier and even some owls can be tallied on conducive flight days at migratory hotspots often situated along ridges or at the edge of a body of water. Counting these birds helps keep track of raptor populations on an international scale, gauging the health of these important predator species that have often been threatened by human...
Read MoreSunflower Sky
Every day, especially after all that water this week, these sunflowers are creeping closer to the sky. The cold front brought not only rain but more birds and butterflies on the wing south. Keep watching for new faces every day!
Read MoreMigration – August 12, 2015
Here is the migration map – also known as the radar of the eastern continental United States – a few hours after sunset here on August 12, 2015. Avian targets, along with undoubtedly a few insects and bats, were mostly active in the southern regions where the wind is more consistently out of the north. For those of us in the Northeast we have a flow pushing birds to the Atlantic Coast, a typical occurrence for the fall. In another month the winds will be stronger and skies will be fuller. For now you can keep expecting to find birds like Bobolink, Orchard Oriole, Northern...
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