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Posts Tagged "avian"

Chestnut-sided Morning

Posted on May 22, 2015

Chestnut-sided Morning

It was a decidedly Chestnut-sided morning for Twan recently, with this cooperative Chestnut-sided Warbler (Setophaga pensylvanica) enjoying the rising sun. How can you not love these birds? The fact they make the journey all the way from places like Costa Rica, where RTPI works on the ground to understand their wintering range, behavior, foraging and more, to our yards is truly astounding. Their good health is our mission year-round!

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Birds As EAB Indicators

Posted on May 20, 2015

Birds As EAB Indicators

Being small in size as an adult and hidden underneath tree bark as larvae, Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) can be rather difficult for humans to detect. For bark-foraging birds such as woodpeckers however, this is not a difficult task.  As these birds move up and down a tree’s trunk and branches, they listen for larvae chewing on the wood and can even feel vibrations from the larvae moving through the galleries they create. Once detected, woodpeckers will hammer away at the bark in order to collect the larvae beneath. While the larvae is removed from the bark, a hole and missing bark around...

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Grasshopper Sparrow

Posted on May 10, 2015

Grasshopper Sparrow

I photographed this Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) last week on a dreary and foggy morning in grasslands known to be a spring migratory site for the species. It was busy feeding in the mist, generally avoiding any picturesque views, as is typical for the species. It had even been singing the previous day! RTPI staff documented confirmed breeding of Henslow’s Sparrows and Grasshopper Sparrows at the Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport (KJHW) during the summer of 2013. Both species are listed as New York endangered species with the Henslow’s Sparrow classified as ‘threatened’ and...

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Blue Jay Migratory Flock

Posted on Apr 29, 2015

Blue Jay Migratory Flock

Can you identify this flock in the sky? It is an April sighting that you may not expect as so many birds are pushing back to the north, our climate moving into the warm season and the weather improving as each spring day passes. These are all Blue Jays in a sizable group, one of many hundreds of similar flocks that fly over Long Island Sound from points unknown, landing at Stratford Point in Stratford, Connecticut. Sometimes the birds make a brief stop, resting in the trees, before immediately continuing their flight. Other times smaller groups stay and disperse a bit, looking to feed. More...

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Palm Warblers Arriving

Posted on Apr 16, 2015

Palm Warblers Arriving

After the Pines come the Palms, and we now have some tail-wagging Palm Warbler friends filling up our farm fields, grasslands, and other open areas. It is only a week or two until the avian migrant floodgates open! Hard to believe it is that time already…what species are you most looking forward to seeing or adding to your life list? I have said it before, but I mean it this time – crack open those Peterson Field Guides and get your study on now! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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