Turkey Devouring Bittersweet
What a Thanksgiving feast this Wild Turkey enjoyed! While we almost always expect our flocks of turkeys to be feeding on the ground on seeds, invertebrates, or even amphibians and reptiles, they can sometimes find food in other places. They do fly, after all! If you have never seen a group roosting in a tree in your yard or quickly taking off I recommend you keep an eye out for it because it is always a spectacle. In this case I watched a few of them in a tree feeding on bittersweet berries… What a resourceful bird! There is a reason their population has exploded across the Northeast...
Read MoreAutumn Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)
This beautiful Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus) posed wonderfully for me in the shade earlier today, taking a quick break from foraging in mounds of leaf litter. They are a shy species that can be found on the edges of forests and woodlands, even your yard, if there is enough space and habitat for them to find insects. As we near the winter their diet is going to shift to include various berries. I was surprised to find several of them this weekend, possibly having moved south and been more boldly active given all of the cold temperatures lately. They will enjoy this warm-up making bug...
Read MoreIdentify this scat
I apologize in advance for anyone not intrigued by identifying animal scat but it can be important to know what you are seeing while in the forest. Do you have any idea what species this is from? Take a look at the composition – looks like a lot of berries, huh? It certainly is large. Those two clues should point you to the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus). If you see this in your path stay vigilant while enjoying your day in the woods.
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