The Message of the Monarchs by Becky Nystrom
Nature and her creatures are suffering, and they’re calling for our help. The message of the monarchs (Danaus plexippus), a once widespread and iconic organism now threatened with extinction, is but one of many species in unprecedented decline, pleading for our attention and action. Monarchs have much to teach us, and the plight of this amazing and ancient organism is a warning to us all that an ecological Armageddon may be underway. The eastern monarch’s mind-boggling three thousand-mile multigenerational migration between Mexico and North America is unlike any other in the world. On their...
Read MoreRTPI’s Twan Leenders Invited to Speak at Costa Rica’s International Herpetological Symposium IV
Costa Rica is home to 5% of the planet’s biodiversity. Though small in geographic area, the country has one of the highest densities of reptiles and amphibians species in the world with more than 440 species. From September 6 – 9, 2018, the Selva Verde Lodge and Private Reserve in the lowland tropical rainforests of Sarapiquí, Costa Rica hosted the fourth International Herpetological Symposium. This event featured presentations and lectures on the conservation, taxonomy, ecology, and biology of reptiles and amphibians. Symposium attendees participated in conferences and field...
Read MoreUnderwater Neighbours
One aspect of the dazzling tropical biodiversity that is rarely highlighted is the amazing flora and fauna of rainforest streams and rivers. On a recent trip to Cocobolo Nature Reserve in eastern Panama, I decided to photograph a random sampling of these underwater beauties. Here’s a quick composite of just a few of those species – all found in in an area not much larger than an average living room… Photographed by RTPI President Twan Leenders for the Meet Your Neighbours global biodiversity project.
Read MoreMonarch in Panama
I had to immediately share this little gem by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser photographed yesterday at the Biodiversity Museum of Panama. Yes, this is a Monarch (Danaus plexippus) that was feeding with a number of other butterfly species right outside the Museum in the natural gardens. Sean felt it was a great little reminder of North American biodiversity there in Panama, and it was especially terrific being at a museum that houses some of RTPI President Twan Leenders’ art! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreThe Migratory Connection
Join us at RTPI on Thursday, June 11 at 7:00PM for a free public event – The Migratory Connection: RTPI’s Tropical Conservation and Education Programs by RTPI President Twan Leenders. Find out where your favorite warblers and hummingbirds hang out when they are not in your backyard and be amazed by the other tropical birds they share their wintering grounds with. Meet some of the rarest frogs on our planet and see what RTPI is doing to help save them from extinction. Explore the exotic wildlife that calls the jungles of Costa Rica and Panama home – and see how some of it visits us on a...
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