Feeder Birds of Newfoundland
This plate, titled “Feeder Birds” is from the 1951 book “Birds of Newfoundland”, by Harold S. Peters and Thomas D. Burleigh of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Peters and Burleigh were commissioned by the Newfoundland government to write the book to be used as a reference in schools, as well as for citizens and tourists of Newfoundland. The book covers 227 birds, and was illustrated with 32 color plates and 40 line drawings by Roger Tory Peterson. The Newfoundland and Labrador Tourist Development Office created a series of prints from the book to sell as...
Read MoreTreasure Hunt Tuesday; A Revolutionary Naturalist’s First Tools
Roger Tory Peterson’s obsession with birds prompted a lifelong interest in photography – what better way to capture fleeting encounters with his feathered fascinations? The following photograph depicts a 4×5″ Auto-Graflex camera of the type that Roger Tory Peterson utilized to photograph birds in his early career. Below that is a photo of a young Peterson in the field with his photographic tools. Over the course of his lifetime, Peterson amassed a collection of some one-million photographs; most of these reside in the RTPI archives as 35mm transparencies. ~ Learn it, Love it,...
Read MoreWinter Raptor Survey Training January 11
Winter Raptor Survey Training Wednesday January 11th, 2017 @ 6PM Grasslands are amongst the fastest declining habitats in the country, and the bird species dependent upon vast stretches of waist-deep grasses are disappearing at alarming rates. In effort to learn more about these imperiled species within New York State and to protect remaining populations, the Department of Environmental Conservation has been conducting winter raptor surveys—specifically monitoring Short Eared Owls (endangered) and Northern Harriers (threatened). The NYS DEC has also enlisted the help of other environmental...
Read MoreCats Belong Indoors
I don’t know if this was a stray, an escapee, or a house cat, but let’s make a New Year’s resolution to keep cat indoors at all times whenever possible, please. You will do them, yourselves, and our environment a great favor. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreSnow Geese
These photos of a couple of Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) were taken before any snow was on the ground, and they were wary of that long lens even over the edge of this hill. Nevertheless they managed to smile for the camera…
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