Nature’s Birds, Bats, and Pollinators: Images by Sandra Rothenberg
Coinciding with the event “Loving Birds, Bats, and Pollinators: Why are They so Important to the Ecosystem?”, RTPI will present works by Sandra Rothenberg beginning March 16th. Sandra Rothenberg, PhD (Warren, PA) is a former psychotherapist who currently devotes her time to nature photography and teaching yoga. Just as psychology reveals the hidden aspects of the psyche and the unconscious, Sandra believes photography reveals the details of nature that might otherwise be missed. She particularly enjoys bat, bird, and macro photography. Sandra feels the closer you look, the more you see. The...
Read MoreJoin the Great Backyard Bird Count!
In as little as 15 minutes you can help birds by counting the ones you see during February 16–19. Sharing your tally will help scientists track the health of the world’s bird populations. Count as many times as you like, anywhere you like, and send your tallies via the Great Backyard Bird Count website or use the eBird mobile app. It’s as easy as watching your own bird feeder, plus the birds will thank you! Learn more at #birdyourworld #yearofthebird
Read MoreNational Bird Feeding Month
February 2nd is Groundhog’s Day – that time of year when those of us living in temperate climates turn our attention to a furry brown marmot awaiting its “prediction” as to whether or not winter weather will persist for another six weeks. But did you know that February is also National Wild Bird Feeding Month? Putting up a bird feeder in your backyard can be an entertaining and educational way to pass the time while winter persists, and it will help keep our feathered friends fed until their spring food resources emerge. Want to know what the most common feeder birds are and how to attract...
Read MoreShort-eared Owl Camouflage
I can’t understand why the Short-eared Owl has this plumage…it’s really tough to tell from these photos! You can also see the bird did not enjoy yesterday’s late afternoon snow, sleet, rain mix. I’m glad so many people have been coming by to enjoy watching our occasional owl at Stratford Point, and most are being very kind and respectful. Please keep it up! Stay on our trails and keep your distance while letting the owl hunt and fly around. It may end up providing terrific views if you stand in place considering how active it is at certain (varying) times. Scott...
Read MoreGrasshopper Sparrow
Here’s another winter treat from earlier this week – a Grasshopper Sparrow! This bird should have been spending its holidays wintering in the southern U.S. or Central America. However, our friend Paul Fusco spotted this little one feeding in open grass along a trail. This was before the major snowfall on Thursday, and conditions have only worsened. We put some seed out for it that the bird was enjoying at the time. Hopefully it kept moving south before the latest storm and found refuge in other locations like this. Grasshopper Sparrows are another grasslands species with a...
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