Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus)
We had a very welcome late morning visitor at Stratford Point today in the form of this Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) as it searched out tent caterpillars on the bluff. The American Robins and Common Grackles were not as welcoming, thinking this bird was going to go after their nests and little ones. The light was not the best for photography, but it is hard to get better views of a cuckoo than this! Stratford Point keeps bringing in the migrants even as we near the end of May. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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The ghosts of the forest, the cuckoos are as tough to actually see as any bird of their size and habitat can be. They may be all around us but they move so silently and sit perfectly still to elude detection, even at eye level. For a bird as apparently common as they are they certainly know how to keep a low and hidden profile. This Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) was one a few that I heard yesterday, and these were the best shots I could manage before this bird vanished again. I heard at least 10 Black-billed Cuckoos but saw only one as it flew from one tree to another while...
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Have you seen a Yellow-billed Cuckoo yet this spring? I haven’t but here’s another Black-billed Cuckoo much more concerned about a meal than me. Mmm, caterpillars…
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They’re often like ghosts but I was able to enjoy superb if brief views of a couple Black-billed Cuckoos yesterday. They move so silently and blend in so well.
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