Cedar Waxwing
Here is the always regal Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) posing with a friend. There were actually several other pals nearby as well. June is a good time of year to find a small flocks of waxwings in and around your neighborhood while many other birds are paired off, quiet and defending territory. In fact, it is nearly always a good time to find these gregarious birds in flocks!
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Your neighborhood may have the soft sounds of Cedar Waxwings soon, if not already, as their sit so proudly with their glowing, regal shades. While it is wonderful to see them in feeding flocks devouring berries in the winter, watching a pair with a nest each spring is such a divergent and sensational experience.
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Cedar Waxwings were suddenly everywhere in the last couple of weeks in WNY, as were blooming apple trees – a perfect combination.
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