Tagged Horseshoe Crab
I found this deceased Horseshoe Crab at Bridgeport, Connecticut’s Pleasure Beach in June. As you can see it has a large tag on it from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Here along the Connecticut coast Sacred Heart University is studying the Horseshoe Crab through Project Limulus. This effort monitors populations, helps to track individuals by tagging, seeks to better understand their biology, and works to aid the spawning process by protecting the species and educating the public. Learn more by visiting their website! I reported this individual, a male, which I was told was first...
Read MoreWildLife Guards in Action
Have you visited Bridgeport, Connecticut’s Pleasure Beach? If you are a birder, butterfly lover, or all-around naturalist, we encourage you to stop by soon via the water taxi! Getting to Pleasure Beach is easy with free parking at the water taxi pier lot, 91 Seaview Avenue, Bridgeport. The water taxi will bring visitors to and from Pleasure Beach, and is also free. While there you can enjoy our WildLife Guards program, which trains, mentors, and employs ten local high schools students and two crew leaders to monitor nesting birds and engage visitors, families, and friends about...
Read MorePurple Martins
Purple Martins (Progne subis) are a unique species even among other unique birds! These sizable aerial insectivores nest only within human-manufactured cavities including gourds, apartments and other types of boxes essentially everywhere to the east of the Rocky Mountains. This is due to Native Americans hosting them in gourds for thousands of years, slowly shifting their breeding behavior to using artificial structures as it was such a successful and mutually beneficial relationship. Without our help it is likely they would be entirely eliminated in this part of their range. Marketing is a...
Read MoreMock vs. Chuck
This Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) was not taking too kindly to this young Woodchuck, Groundhog, or any other common name you’d like (Marmota monax) as it was only trying to nibble on a few delicious green snacks on a cloudy morning. You can see their relative sizes are not that far off, with this young chuck wondering why mom and dad did not explain the joy of birds before. Mockingbirds can be vicious pests if you are anywhere near they’re nest doing…well, anything, like existing in their space! I can recall being attacked and whacked by them as a small child...
Read MoreRed-winged Blackbird Female
People often think of the Red-winged Blackbird strictly as a species of ponds, cattails and marshes, but they can be found in all sorts of old and wet fields, pastures, coastal grasslands and even golf courses with areas of water. Their ability to take to a sizable variety of habitats has helped them become one of the most abundant birds on the continent. Here we have a female who was vocalizing because of a nearby nest. In a couple of months they will be starting to form flocks and staging before heading south. While most of the species will leave our area some will push through the autumn...
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