American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
The cutest and most cooperative friend that I made today during an afternoon bird survey was this American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). It was chowing down and allowing me to shoot from a comfortable distance for a minute as Gray Squirrels and Eastern Chipmunks excitedly ran around us. I saw an increase in both butterflies and moths on the wing in the woodlands. Most of our birds are staying busy with nesting season upon us, feeding and quieting down to care for eggs or young with territories already well established. The goal now is to minimize disturbances and not attract...
Read MoreEastern Bluebird Feeding
May is the time for the next generation of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) to join our world as nest boxes across the land are filled with the growing and begging beaks of nestlings. These young birds, like so many others, require a lot of constant room service, and mom and dad are busy feeding them nonstop. I took only a moment to photograph this Bluebird as I did not want to interrupt it as it headed home with a delivery. Their unbelievably beautiful plumage looks unreal against the increasingly green backgrounds of forest adjacent to this orchard. The line between art and life is very...
Read MoreBaltimore Oriole Nest Building
This first-spring male Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula) was a busy fella, methodically sorting through all sorts of nest building material as I watched him last week. He would gather some grass, straw and other vegetation, carefully crafting it and arranging it just right, then flying back off to his mate and his tree. You may have seen a Baltimore Oriole nest, hanging from several points of a tree branch, without evening knowing what it was. The female bird constructs a sack or sock-like container that is carefully woven together with such craftsmanship that they often stay attached to...
Read MoreHouse Wren
The incomparable and iconic House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) is a star of the screen with its cheery, chattering call reverberating through the background of countless TV shows and movies. It is one of our most geographically widespread songbirds with a huge range across the Americas. A true sign of spring, this May arrival gets right to making a nest in boxes or any other container in and around yards. I have always loved these friendly little birds, but this one definitely went the extra mile in allowing me a couple of close photos on a nest box and a blueberry bush. If you have a yard with...
Read MoreCommon Yellowthroat
This male Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) and I are rather close…or at least we were for about 30 seconds on a recent May morning. This bird is a migrant, though you may end up with a resident in a yard near you. Their common name does betray their abundance, and gardens, marshes, fields, forests or anywhere they can skulk about in dense, low vegetation works for them. Being a habitat generalist has helped the species end up as one of our most common warblers. It also makes them a frequent target of Brown-headed Cowbirds and brood parasitism, like the abundant Yellow Warbler....
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