Wild Indigo Duskywing
The Wild Indigo Duskywing (Erynnis baptisiae) butterfly has a subtle iridescence to it if you can get it in the right angle against the sunlight. This is not the most spectacular insect, no – but it looks a great deal more colorful and bold here instead of being a brown, dull triangle in the shade or via a more overhead view.
Read MoreGray Hairstreak Butterfly
Looks at a Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) don’t get much better than this as recently photographed on this Cardinal Climber flower.
Read MoreLeast Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor)
Say, what do we have here? A moth? Nay! The Least Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor) lives up to its name as the smallest skipper in our region and can easily go unseen among its relatives. Take a close and low look in grasslands or gardens to find one, especially in wet areas.
Read MoreCommon Buckeye Butterfly
Meet the Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) butterfly, and while this one is a bit worn here at the end of the season, it has some incredibly good looks nonetheless.
Read MoreFresh Red Admiral
This Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) butterfly is as fresh as you can get! Having emerged probably earlier this very day, the photo does not do it justice as it was both so black and so vibrantly red/orange in a way that is impossible to capture in one shot. Lenses have limitations that nature does not.
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