Southwest/California drought
I shouldn’t complain about the overabundance of water in the Chautauqua-Allegheny region as I am well aware we are in far better shape than our friends in the Southwest, California especially. These United States Drought Monitor maps tell the ongoing disturbing story. Our weather patterns continue to be too stagnant in all seasons, a likely side effect from how we are altering our global climate.
Read MoreWhite-tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus)
The ongoing California drought is said to be responsible for an unprecedented breeding crash for raptors like this White-tailed Kite:
Read MoreMange, poisons and wildlife
Early yesterday afternoon I posted an article on our Facebook page titled, “Household rat poison linked to death and disease in wildlife” from the Los Angeles Times. It discussed the following: The mountain lion known as P-22 looked majestic just a few months ago, in a trail-camera photo shot against the backdrop of the Hollywood sign. But when a remote camera in Griffith Park captured an image of the puma more recently, it showed a thinner and mangy animal. Scientists sedated him and drew blood samples. They found evidence of exposure to rat poisons. Now, researchers say they...
Read MoreThe U.S. is part of the Earth
Continuing my recent theme of considering philosophical concerns in regard to conservation and education issues I wanted to discuss a problem that is persisting well into the 21st century: that America is the center of the universe and anything that happens outside of its boundaries is irrelevant in terms of our natural world. The most recent example of this is the outbreak of arctic air that poured into the U.S. We’ll be having another cold snap this week and most of our mainstream media, including “pundits” who have political agendas denying climate science, will go back...
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