Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Survey Tutorial
Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an invasive, aphid-like insect originating from Asia which is devasting native Hemlock trees throughout the Eastern U.S. If left unnoticed, an individual tree will succumb to an infestation within a decade. Early detection of this pest is critical to preventing its spread, and RTPI has been collaborating with several partner organizations and a dedicated volunteer force to survey hemlocks throughout our region. This video – produced by Joe Gustafson Photography – provides technical information on how to survey for hemlock woolly adelgid. The stars and...
Read MoreRTPI hiring for ‘Project Wild America Youth Ambassadors’ summer program
The Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History (RTPI) is currently hiring area high school and college students to work alongside its conservation staff this summer for the fifth annual Project Wild America Youth Ambassadors (PWA) Program in Jamestown. Building on the successes from the past four years, students enrolled in RTPI’s PWA program will immerse themselves in Jamestown’s ‘urban ecosystem’. These students will investigate, monitor and improve habitat for threatened species in the area and raise public awareness about our important natural resources, environmental challenges...
Read MoreFarewell to Bill Thompson III, a Great Friend of RTPI
March 2019 #35stories #rtpi35 Stories come in all shapes and sizes, and this one is beautiful and poignant, a story of life and loss. Our great friend Bill Thompson, III has passed away at his home in southeastern Ohio after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. Bill was the publisher and editor of Bird Watcher’s Digest, the magazine launched by his parents Elsa and Bill, Jr. in 1978 “from our living room in Marietta, Ohio”, and was the author of numerous books on birds and nature. He created the “Bill of the Birds” blog and podcasts for bird watchers called...
Read MoreRTPI Celebrates 35 Years With 35 Stories in 2019
This year we mark a milestone in our journey together – our 35th anniversary. In 2019 we’ll celebrate with events, exhibits, giveaways, special giving opportunities, some surprises, and “35 Stories”; a collection of ideas, memories, experiences, and more, that make our journey together special…things from the past, some happening right now, and some yet to come. This year we will share our stories about what started it all, what got us here, how we have changed the world (with your help), hopes and dreams for the future, and more! We also want to hear YOUR...
Read MoreWinter 2019 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Surveys
Winter 2019 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Surveys Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is an aphid-like insect, originating from Asia, which feeds off of the food storage cells below the needles of an Eastern Hemlock tree and hides itself under white woolly masses for protection. Within only a matter of 4-10 years an individual tree can succumb to an HWA infestation if left unnoticed. This deadly bug has been progressively moving closer to the area as it has spread throughout much of the eastern United States, leaving massive stands of hemlocks dead in their wake. Early detection of this particular pest is...
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