Wood Duck Pair
If you live in or near wet woodlands, or even in a neighborhood with some forest habitat and a small pond, perhaps you will be fortunate enough to have Wood Ducks frequenting the area. During the winter months it is a good time to consider what you want to do with your yard and home to help birds. Determining what nest boxes you can erect in a few months for the spring arrivals and local breeding species can be a great activity on a quiet day. Wood Ducks like the cute couple pictured will already be pairing up next month!
Read MoreSpring-like White-throated Sparrow
It feels like nobody told this gorgeous White-throated Sparrow that it was not spring time! I thought it was looking rather dapper for December standards and snapped this shot while it looked me over. Unlike this friendly bird I was not dressed to shine on a chilly and overcast day. I am jealous of you folks who get to see the species year-round. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreWhite-breasted Nuthatch Posing
It looked like this White-breasted Nuthatch was doing a seed commercial, holding out the delicious product before gulping it down, and then asking me about the previous take. Alternatively, I go a little crazy at this time of year when prolonged periods of heavy desk work and inclement weather keep me indoors a bit too much. Let’s all make sure to go outside tomorrow on a sunny Sunday! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreLong-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis)
It is December duck time! I have been enjoying some of the new arrivals across our region as birds like Red-breasted Mergansers, Common Goldeneyes, Greater and Lesser Scaups, Ring-necked Ducks, Redheads, and these Long-tailed Ducks make their way to our shores. This species of diving duck certainly spends a long time underwater when it is feeding. It can even go down to near 200 feet! Their incredible patterns almost appeared camouflaged against the water on this cloudy late autumn day. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreCommon Redpolls coming
Common Redpolls are starting to arrive further south as we hit the beginning of meteorological winter (December 1-February 28/29). Here is one bird enjoying a little snow snack as well as the eBird range map of sightings for the species for October through December, 2014. Hold on to your socks! Or fill them with thistle seed and put them out for the birds…
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