Black-throated Blue Warbler
I finally took a good photo of a male Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens) earlier this week! However, it was not without tremendous persistence and many failed attempts, as is the beauty of digital photography. What you cannot see is that I edited out the black-legged or deer tick attached to this poor guy’s face. The tick was engorged just in front of his eye, a precarious place to scratch. Please keep ticks in mind as you go outdoors this season as many people still neglect to take any precautions or check themselves after being outdoors. Some doctors are still...
Read MoreEastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus)
Who doesn’t love a little Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus) in their lives? This furry little friend has a tick attached to it on the right side of its face. You know, the more we do to add to the proliferation of those parasites and their diseases, endangering human lives, the more we also make life more difficult for local wildlife exposed to the same conditions with unknown consequences and assuredly untold suffering.
Read MoreLyme Disease Sign
Here is a terrific educational notice that I enjoyed seeing on the wall during a recent veterinarian visit with my dog. Using artwork created by children to help teach the public educates both the visitors and the children who are creating it. We use the same outreach techniques in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds with signs drawn by hundreds of school children which we then laminate and post on beaches and offshore islands to let beachgoers and boaters know there are endangered birds nesting in the area. We certainly see less damage to them than other more generic, bland and...
Read MorePartners – Amphibian Survival Alliance
Amphibian Survival Alliance and partners lead strategic efforts to prevent spread of deadly salamander disease in North America New publication outlines swift and coordinated action in the conservation community An emerging fungal pathogen that has caused recent die-offs of salamanders in Europe, faces a formidable foe in North America: the Amphibian Survival Alliance and its partners, who today published a paper outlining the conservation community’s proactive efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of the disease in the United States, Canada and Mexico. “We are more encouraged by...
Read MoreStriped Skunk Digging
Better late than never! Here is that Striped Skunk frenzied grub feeding video that I promised you. That HD footage is in normal speed…they are just that fast with those claws! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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