Productive Vernal Pools
Have you ever wondered what might be hiding just beneath the water’s surface in these temporary pools that crop up in early spring? This little clip reveals a productive vernal pool that has a number of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) egg masses nestled within the leaf litter of the pool floor. These pools are an important breeding area for several amphibian species, as you can see, because they provide a safe fish-less environment for the eggs and eventual tadpoles to...
Read MoreSpiny Softshell Turtle young
At this time last year we were fortunate to be able to record some Spiny Softshell Turtles (Apalone spinifera) like these hatching despite the fact many nearby nests and eggs had been devoured by predators – raccoons and skunks primarily. Thus far this September we have yet to see any hatching or sign of additional breeding whatsoever after some nesting occurred earlier this year. We’ll be watching!
Read MoreLeopard Frog tadpole
It seemed only weeks ago that you were just a little clump of jelly, little Leopard Frog… Only a few more days in this awkward stage and this little guy or gal will be off to explore the world outside its pool. They grow up so fast!
Read MoreGray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) nest
“Robin’s egg blue”? No, this is actually the first egg in a Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) nest.
Read MorePiping Plover hatchling (Charadrius melodus)
Over Memorial Day weekend Piping Plovers like this one by Sean started hatching across Connecticut. At the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds we and our tremendous volunteers have our hands full now 24/7! The hectic summer breeding season has commenced.
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