Northern Cardinal eggs
Earlier this week Elyse found a Northern Cardinal nest in a bush in front of a family home. How many nests do you have in your yard already despite the cold, and what species?
Read MoreAmphibians emerging
Yesterday it was over 50 degrees and raining in Western New York and more warm and wet weather will be on the way – ideal conditions for frogs, toads and salamanders to emerge from hibernation and start migrating to a nearby wetland at night! Please slow down for salamanders and frogs when you’re driving back roads near wetlands – even when they don’t get crushed by your tires, the slipstream generated underneath a vehicle when you’re moving more than 20-25 MPH will pick these animals up from the road surface and slam them into the underside of your car…...
Read MoreLimosa Harlequin Frog (Atelopus limosus) eggs and tadpoles by Twan Leenders
Following up on yesterday’s post on the Limosa Harlequin Frog (Atelopus limosus) we’re currently checking on in Panama here’s HD video of eggs and tadpoles filmed last March by Twan. Here’s hoping more results like this are coming soon!
Read MoreMonarchs in Mexico
The following is a guest post from our friend Jack Voelker – our thanks to him for the tremendous contribution! Much has been written in recent months about the steep decline in the population of the Monarch butterfly and the potential end of their remarkable annual migration to the mountains of Mexico. We had seen an IMAX movie, Flight of the Butterflies, at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh this past summer. The documentary not only detailed the migration itself in stunning photography, but also the life of zoologist Fred Urquhart who devoted nearly 40 years to researching...
Read MoreLimosa Harlequin Frog
We are anxiously waiting for news from Panama to see how RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser, Science teacher Laurie Doss and her team of high school students from the Marvelwood School in Kent, CT, fared during their 10-day research trip to the remote Cocobolo Nature Reserve. The team is studying and banding migratory birds that winter in the area’s dense rainforest habitat. This is very exciting, but I have to admit that I can’t wait to hear if they had an opportunity to check in on one of the region’s other natural treasures: the Limosa Harlequin Frog (Atelopus limosus)....
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