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Posts Tagged "Empidonax traillii"

Fledgling Flycatcher

Posted on Aug 9, 2016

Fledgling Flycatcher

While some Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii) are on the way south, like the bird I posted from last Friday evening, others are still finishing up raising the next generation. I photographed this cute family moment this past weekend while they kept their distance from me – please ignore the annoying branches obscuring the scene. I was happy enough to see that they had not fallen victim to a Brown-headed Cowbird. Good thing there are enough caterpillars to go around…any for me? Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Flycatcher Sunset

Posted on Aug 7, 2016

Flycatcher Sunset

This presumed Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) was a silent companion in a more Willow-frequented location and habitat as the friendly bird watched the sunset with me on Friday. Thick, dark clouds low on the horizon ending up blocking the beauty of the setting sun, and this turned out to be the best photo of the evening. These flycatchers migrate out of our area rapidly in order to stay far away from the cold and keep feeding on those flying meals. It has a long journey remaining as the destination will ultimately be Central or South America. Good luck, buddy! Can you imagine what it...

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Willow Flycatcher

Posted on Jun 1, 2016

Willow Flycatcher

One of our later arriving neotropical migrants, the Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) seen here was belting out its song on top of a pine. One of the Empidonax flycatchers, they are basically indistinguishable from the Alder Flycatcher by sight, though the other “Empid” species usually have brighter eyerings. Regardless, you should always use your ears first when it comes to these birds! Far too many people attempt to pin down an identification just by staring at photos later on when birds besides the Empidonax flycatchers, like the Eastern Wood-Pewee, Great Crested...

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