Migratory Bird Treaty Act Under Fire
Please take a minute to fill out this petition through the American Bird Conservancy to uphold the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. If it was not for the MBTA we would not be able to enjoy many of the birds that we see around us every day. For example, the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds may have been moot as likely all long-legged waders, terns and other shorebirds would have been extirpated. How can it be that we are trying to unravel some of the 20th century’s greatest conservation achievements, pushed forward by many people like Roger Tory Peterson, here in the 21st century?...
Read MorePower lines and birds
Earlier this week I read a story about a bird rescue by the fire department from my hometown. It seems a gull had gotten tangled in fishing line – an unfortunately common occurrence easily avoided if everyone fishing would clean up after themselves – and then compounded the problem by getting stuck on power lines! I thought to myself, you know what? This must happen on a relatively frequent basis to various birds, especially the large ones that would perch on them. We discuss cats, buildings, pollution, and many other sources of avian mortality, but power systems are everywhere,...
Read MorePiping Plover (Charadrius melodus)
Piping Plovers are keeping our Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds staff very busy in Connecticut right now from birds not accepting exclosures, predator attacks and all the tiny hatchlings running around beaches. Caring for an endangered species 24/7 is tough but valuable and satisfying work.
Read MoreMarch speaker – Dr. John D. Juriga
Dr. John D. Juriga will present a program on artist and illustrator Bob Hines (1912-1994) at a public reception for the exhibition of the works of Bob Hines now hosted at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History on Friday, March 14 at 7 p.m. Dr. Juriga, a Hines biographer, will help to tell the story of one of the pioneers of the American conservation movement, whose paintings and drawings helped Americans better appreciate our natural heritage. Bob Hines is well known for his work in developing the federal Duck Stamp program, which has generated over $700 million to protect...
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