Black-and-white Warblers
Black-and-white Warblers (Mniotilta varia) were the most common migrant this spring in Connecticut for RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser, and he even thinks that breeding individuals may stick around at Audubon Greenwich. This is male on the left and female on the right. Only now is their migration finally winding down after a tremendous season for the species.
Read MoreCommon Yellowthroat
This male Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) and I are rather close…or at least we were for about 30 seconds on a recent May morning. This bird is a migrant, though you may end up with a resident in a yard near you. Their common name does betray their abundance, and gardens, marshes, fields, forests or anywhere they can skulk about in dense, low vegetation works for them. Being a habitat generalist has helped the species end up as one of our most common warblers. It also makes them a frequent target of Brown-headed Cowbirds and brood parasitism, like the abundant Yellow Warbler....
Read MoreOrchard Oriole
This adult male Orchard Oriole (Icterus spurius) is a Stratford Point resident, deftly avoiding our cameras for the most part while feeding mostly in the canopy. Occasionally he drops down closer to eye level, and he has been seen copulating with our resident female. It is likely that we will once again have a nesting pair on site. The family grows up quickly though, and even by the end of July this guy may be heading back to Central America. When they are not vocalizing they can be surprisingly inconspicuous. This is probably the best time of year to get some good views of them without...
Read MoreYellow Warbler
This female Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) was a pleasant sight as she and a male were my first of year for the species today. She hopped out after I surprised her, surprising me right back, as I had my eyes locked on the gentleman feeding and singing a little further away. Kindly she let me snap a couple shots before going back down in the vegetation and foraging along a stream. Have your Yellow Warblers returned? I am hoping to find a pair that nest near me this year, and hoping even more that they can avoid the frequent plight of parasitism from Brown-headed Cowbirds. Scott...
Read MoreFemale House Finch
Nobody tell this female House Finch that she is chowing down on bittersweet berries on this recent chilly winter day…or maybe we should because undoubtedly she is not receiving a very nutritious meal. That is why they are often the last thing to be snacked on by our feathered friends during the depths of winter. Fear not, birds – we will work our way into spring soon enough, and the songs of birds like the House Finch are filling the air right now… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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