Fledgling Flycatcher
While some Willow Flycatchers (Empidonax traillii) are on the way south, like the bird I posted from last Friday evening, others are still finishing up raising the next generation. I photographed this cute family moment this past weekend while they kept their distance from me – please ignore the annoying branches obscuring the scene. I was happy enough to see that they had not fallen victim to a Brown-headed Cowbird. Good thing there are enough caterpillars to go around…any for me? Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreCommon Grackle Fledgling
This little dinosaur – er, uh…bird – is a Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) fledgling looking for another bite on a recent morning. The hatchlings and fledglings of so many species end up looking like tiny dinosaurs to me in some ways. For some reason the little Willets (Tringa semipalmata), a large shorebird species, always struck me as a dinosaur with a long neck, long legs and barely any wings. Without their flight ability and all of those feathers many species of young birds seem to be a glimpse of the past. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
Read MoreAmerican Robin Nest
Here is a sweet way to start your Monday – adorable American Robin (Turdus migratorius) fledglings sitting in their nest! It is getting cramped in there…good thing they all popped out and flew to the ground when mom came back with a meal. Stretch those wings!
Read MoreYoung Northern Mockingbird
This fledgling/juvenile Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) is described as such by me because it certainly looks and acts old enough to get its own food, but it keeps on begging for a delivery. One of the parents flew in and fed it a snack a moment later. It’s September, and it is time to get going, young one! The days keep getting shorter and soon enough you will be having to find your own meals. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreEastern Bluebirds
We are at the time of year where Eastern Bluebirds are already teaching their first brood of fledglings the ins and outs of every day life outside of the nest box. The young bird on the post here looked almost self-sufficient at this point, and its parents may be having another family soon enough. The female with her bill filled was making a food run back to the box on a gray day, with the tiny peeps of a second brood calling in the background. Thankfully there does not seem to be any lack of food this year! How have the bluebirds in your boxes been doing?
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