Cooper’s Hawk
I completely forgot to post these two photos of a young Cooper’s Hawk from last month, so here they are now. This individual was going after a Song Sparrow that had taken cover in a brush pile. It really seemed as if more accipiters remained in the Northeast during the extreme December record heat with more prey to find than usual in very cooperative weather conditions. What do you think is harder – hunting on a 60 degree sunny day with a light southerly breeze, or finding a meal when several inches of snow is falling in 20 degree temperatures with a bitter northerly flow? I...
Read MoreHummingbirds in Flight
Sean is taking his photography to another unbelievable level here with hummingbirds in flight. This is a Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii), Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (Amazilia tzacatl), and Steely-vented Hummingbird (Amazilia saucerottei), all species common to the dry forests of Nicoya in Costa Rica. This photo represents the hectic behavior you get to witness daily there with multiple species vying for a place at their feeders. Photographed by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser for the Meet Your Neighbours global biodiversity project in Costa Rica while on assignment for the Roger...
Read MoreAnother Western Rarity
There are scattered very rare western birds continually being spotted across the Northeast. A gorgeous male Painted Bunting in New York City’s Prospect Park made some big news recently, and yesterday Stefan Martin found a Townsend’s Solitaire in the Cos Cob section of Greenwich, Connecticut. Masschusetts, Vermont, Maine and New York have also had Townsend’s Solitaires recently, as you can see on this eBird occurrence map for the species – orange markers are less than 30 days old while others are from October and early November. Keep your eyes open for all sorts of...
Read MoreWhere Are They?!
We have now entered December, and though we lack the truly cold air that the month and the beginning of meteorological winter can sometimes bring, we are cooling down and birds are still moving south. Regular arrivals spanning the spectrum from the American Tree Sparrows of our backyards to the Tundra Swans of Chautauqua Lake are joining us now. Where are we with the irruptive avian species so far this season across the Northeast and Midwest? I went through eBird maps this morning to find that out, and let’s start with the big name… The Snowy Owls started their annual southbound...
Read MoreMoon Flight
There will be plenty of birds in the air tonight flying south on those north winds. Will this migration bring you your first Fox Sparrow or American Tree Sparrow of the fall tomorrow? Perhaps there will be some Snow Geese flying through the darkness to a field near you. Birds like the American Woodcock are still wrapping up their migration, and some will linger through early snowfalls. There are still dozens of species moving through the night, and good birding to you on a chilly but sunny and sensational weekend.
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