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Posts Tagged "food"

Peregrine Falcon on Wire

Posted on Feb 3, 2015

Peregrine Falcon on Wire

This Peregrine Falcon was stretching its wings while hanging on the wire. It was looking around for some food on this dark, dreary day, ready to explode after prey at any moment. I would not have minded if it flew off to chase a Gyrfalcon… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Curu Wildlife Refuge

Posted on Jan 14, 2015

Curu Wildlife Refuge

Curu Wildlife Refuge is home to endless amounts of trees fruiting with coconuts, mangrove estuaries, and rows upon rows of mango trees that have long since forgotten how to fruit. Amongst one of these patches of mango trees is our other banding station, and tucked along the trails that bisect a unique edge habitat of White Mangrove trees are our nets. We placed the 22 nets strategically so they would bisect the many attributes of this unique habitat. We catch a wide variety of resident species, whose unique attributes and colors blend them into the harsh environment of this unique tropical...

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Snowy Egret Handouts?

Posted on Dec 31, 2014

Snowy Egret Handouts?

Someone please tell this Snowy Egret that it is not a gull nor a pelican…no handouts! If you are going to spend the winter in New England I suppose you have to get creative when it comes to finding easy meals. Yes, I am kidding, it was not begging or being fed…but I do think it was thinking about it as vehicles drove up and a frenzy of gulls went after some snacks. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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Black-capped Chickadee Feeding

Posted on Dec 17, 2014

Black-capped Chickadee Feeding

This Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) appeared to be a very indecisive feeder, not knowing what it wanted to eat and trying out some of the selections before tossing some back. I suppose that is the sort of thing you can do when you have piles of food strewn about you. Natural food sources are slowly being drawn down as we near the winter solstice. If you feed the birds you will likely be seeing more activity and action, even from the picky among them. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator

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American Coots (Fulica americana)

Posted on Dec 12, 2014

American Coots (Fulica americana)

Here is a series of photographs recently taken of two American Coots as they were swimming and feeding on a sunny day. The lovely weather permitted me to snap off some shots while they eagerly dived for food. Watch how one bird gets a sense of the snack it wants, some delicious aquatic vegetation, circling with its head facing downward. They must have some sensational, well-tuned sight to be able to see so well down through the water column. Once it decides what to grab…down it goes in a splash! The other bird, having followed the first nearly the entire time, circling in the same...

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