Young Chipmunk
This adorable little Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) liked me enough to stay on its tree and say hi for a minute before dashing back down underground. Now if this young one would only please remember to stay out of most of these trees and bushes when it grows up because I would rather it choose food other than young birds or eggs from nests each spring. Thanks in advance, pal! Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MorePalm Warbler
Yesterday morning I went out to bird for a bit and had my sights set on a few target species. It may have only been April 23, but the birds have been early thanks to the warm past couple of months, and some of our spring migratory species are already peaking. I definitely wanted to photograph a Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum) in their bright spring yellows before they escaped me to the north for the nesting season. Thankfully this individual delivered, posing for me for about 15 seconds in between foraging. I had followed it for a minute along the forest floor and it took notice –...
Read MoreYellow-rumped Warbler
Here it is, the most abundant warbler you will likely see this year – the Yellow-rumped Warbler. In this case the bird was not showing off where it got that name, and instead it fluffed up and shook off for a moment while still watching for prey. There were plenty of flying (and biting!) insects already in the air here in late April, and it along with dozens of others had their fill flitting through the forest canopy. You can also see the leaves beginning to emerge. In a couple of weeks there will be a lot of green across the landscape and views like this one will already be covered...
Read MoreGray Squirrel
This Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) was darting around like the summer had ended and fall was upon us again last week. After such a warm February and March, compared to long-term averages, the chilly start to April and freezing temperatures – not to mention snow – had plenty of animals scurrying back to cold mode. The squirrel was grabbing food and looking at me like, “Shouldn’t you be doing this, too?” as I walked past. Thankfully those days are over because hello, spring! This welcome change in the weather should keep us warm for a while and...
Read MoreGreat Egrets Return
Here we have one of the many returning Great Egrets seeking out our ponds, lakes and shores throughout the Northeast. This one, photographed last weekend, was in the middle of gulping down a snack. Our weather looks to be improving towards warmer and more typical conditions soon. Perhaps we can say goodbye to snow and freezing temperatures, making life for these birds – and their prey – that much easier. Egrets are a beautiful sight, and one of those species that even the non-birder recognizes and enjoys seeing back in our waters.
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