Brown Creeper
Brown Creepers must be the winner in the category of “most calm, friendly and tame birds that are yet the most difficult to get a good photo of” because they stay glued to the tree bark and rarely stop moving, spiraling up and down the trunk. They examine every crevice they can for any small insects or spiders, locking those big feet on the bark and staying steady with their long tail, using that large curved bill to snag their snack. I have plenty of semi-blurry photos of the species and even more that are too dark or obstructed. Today I took out my camera to photograph a few of...
Read MoreNational Invasive Species Awareness Week at RTPI!
National Invasive Species Awareness Week – February 21-27, 2016 RTPI, in partnership with WNY PRISM, will be offering multiple events to the public during week. If you wish to register for one or both of the workshops please fill out this form. Please register by mail or email no later than Sunday February 21st. We will be providing lunch and need to know if you’re coming! Registration forms and checks payable to the Roger Tory Peterson Institute can be sent to 311 Curtis Street, Jamestown NY 14701. Forms may also be emailed to Elyse Henshaw and payment can be made...
Read MorePink Glow
Last night the sky turned this amazing purple and pink color while the unseen sun set. I was not expecting anything remotely interesting about the clouds in the evening considering we were blanketed with low-level cover from the departing storm. A few minutes after sunset I glanced out the window and saw everything on the ground was covered in this wondrous hue. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, or I had been staring at the monitor for too long. Nope, not this time – the shade saturated my surroundings and I hurriedly grabbed my camera, swapped lenses, and ran out...
Read MoreRTPI’s National Invasive Species Awareness Week
National Invasive Species Awareness Week – February 21-27, 2016 RTPI, in partnership with WNY PRISM, will be offering multiple events to the public during week. If you wish to register for one or both of the workshops please fill out this form. Please register by mail or email no later than Saturday February 20th. Registration forms and checks payable to the Roger Tory Peterson Institute can be sent to 311 Curtis Street, Jamestown NY 14701. Forms may also be emailed to Elyse Henshaw and payment can be made the morning of the workshop. Monday February 22 at 6pm Ken Parker...
Read MoreHemlock Woolly Adelgid Discovered in Chautauqua County!
“Unfortunately we found hemlock woolly adelgid on 5 hemlocks in the (SUNY Fredonia) Campus Woodlot today. Hemlock woolly adelgid, an aphid from China, attacks and kills hemlocks in a few years. There are no survivors. Hemlocks have already been wiped out in the southern Appalachians and the infestation is moving north. Last winter we located 60 infested hemlocks in the Campus Woodlot and Campus Facilities responded and stem injected the trees. We have made great progress — we will more exhaustively monitor the Campus Woodlot in the near future and hopefully not find anymore. We...
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