Swarm of hummingbirds! Costa Rica, December 2014
I guarantee you have never seen this many hummingbirds in your yard! It is the definition of “you have to see it to believe it”, but I have seen it numerous times and still do not believe it. Check out this unfathomable swarm of 11 species in a feeding frenzy in Costa Rica last week by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser. It looks like CGI! This is a movie…but it is not a movie. This is a typical day for our friends in the rainforest. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach...
Read MoreAmerican Crow hunting acorns
I spotted this American Crow having a delightful time watching all of the action around it as more American Crows plus Blue Jays, squirrels and chipmunks all eagerly grabbed countless acorns under an oak tree. In this shot it almost seemed like it was gleefully sizing up the tree, taking an account of how much stock was left in this giant store. There are feeding frenzies going on all around us with wildlife storing food for the winter during a very helpful warm November stretch. That is about to end as colder than average temperatures are coming for the mid-month with some snow in the...
Read MoreBonaparte’s Gulls (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) by Scott Kruitbosch
Hundreds of Bonaparte’s Gulls were in the Barcelona Harbor area in Westfield, NY on November 10, 2013. They frequently dove into the waters of Lake Erie to feed along with Double-crested Cormorant, Horned Grebe and other gull species. At least one rare Little Gull was in the mix. These small gulls fly and forage more like terns than gulls.
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