Fantastic Foliage
The end of October came quickly! We will be saying goodbye to the last of the fall foliage soon, but not before we enjoy some more of its beauty.
Read MoreYellow Woodlands
Autumn certainly has a glow going on, but this week has shown us a preview of some of the cold and wet weather to come. Last year’s El Niño kept us far warmer throughout the end of 2015. However, it looks like a weak La Niña will be ready to cover these trees in snow soon enough this winter. That might be a welcome development that helps alleviate the drought in the Northeast while encouraging snow lovers to get out on the trails in our beautiful Chautauqua County. More to come on all soon…
Read MoreMore Frosty Mornings
This autumn has certainly been an interesting one as far as weather goes! Our first frost came rather late and last week we seemed to have had an “Indian Summer” with temperatures in the 60’s and even low 70’s…quite toasty for early November! While winter is still a little ways out, it will be interesting to see how El Niño continues to influence our weather patterns here in the Northeast. This week seems to be back to normal average temperatures, giving us freezing overnight lows and frosty mornings, but next week is forecasted to be warm once again. No matter...
Read MoreFall Foliage
These autumn mornings may be starting out too frigid and frosty for mid-October, but as the midday sun rises in the sky to light up our fall foliage everything turns into a scorching fire.
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