Northern Parula
Here we have the Northern Parula (Setophaga americana) as photographed while feeding this past Sunday morning after a busy night of migration. These little birds sound like zippers with a hard ending, or sometimes the “That’s all Folks!” song from Looney Tunes after several fast da and be notes. Those white eye crescents stand out from afar on a blue gray bird with a white belly featuring that bright yellow throat and upper chest with a reddish brown band. Northern Parulas are a gleaning species, snatching insects and spiders from tree branches and especially caterpillars...
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This female Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata) gave me decent views on a cloudy, foggy morning, but of course the one photo she posed perfectly for – and actually stopped gleaning snacks for a moment – involved a stick over her face. Naturally! May migration continues as we wrap the movement up in the last couple weeks of the month with the later species like this one. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
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One of the most spectacular warblers in the world is the Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca). They are truly gorgeous little creatures and thankfully here in the Chautauqua-Allegheny region they are abundant in migration and nesting seasons. I have been delighted to see and hear so many of them in the past month, and I am looking forward to spotting them in our neighborhoods, yards, parks, state forests and other preserves until the fall. Twan had this individual in Allegany State Park earlier this month. They are fireballs flitting around our forests in their bright spring colors. Here...
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