Dandy Dandelions
Come on, what’s wrong with the dandelion anyway? We call it a “weed” but it’s a pretty, tiny yellow flower. What could be so distasteful about that? These flowers end up as important early season nectaring and pollen plants for bees, a place for lepidoptera larvae to grow and feed, and our birds eat it. You can even eat this nutritious plant, too! Every bit. Not that you may want to unless you know what has been going in and on your lawn… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MorePurple & White Crocus
This white and purple crocus is just opening up in the warm spring sun, and every day there are more blooms and flowers blossoming all over our finally snow-free earth.
Read MoreWhite-throated Sparrows massing and feeding
White-throated Sparrows have arrived in tremendous numbers across the region, ready to eat you out of house and home all winter long! Before then, while the grass and earth is still exposed, without being snow-covered or frozen, they can feast on more natural meals. I took a bunch of photos of a few individuals in a group feeding on the lawn last week. There would not be much to chow down on if this were uniformly treated bright, green grass, one species that was chemically induced to look like the perfect lawn. These monocultures are taking up valuable habitat real estate and often consist...
Read MoreLeopard Frog tadpole
It seemed only weeks ago that you were just a little clump of jelly, little Leopard Frog… Only a few more days in this awkward stage and this little guy or gal will be off to explore the world outside its pool. They grow up so fast!
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