Green Heron
Spring is filled with so many wonderful sights and sounds as a multitude of colorful songbirds return and fill our landscape with life. However, there are many other bird families returning to us as well. This Green Heron (Butorides virescens) was an unexpected and gratifying capture a couple of weekends ago while I was targeting warblers. It really provided a wonderful pose and superb bokeh for me for a few seconds during our chance encounter. Green Herons are special in that they are one of a handful of bird species in the world that use tools as they can fish using lures and bait. They...
Read MoreI Spy With My Little Eye
As warmer temperatures are finally arriving in Western New York, wetlands like the beautiful one pictured here are rapidly thawing out. These wetlands scattered throughout the area become an attractive place for many breeding bird species to belt out their songs and flit about, attempting to attract a mate. In this particular photograph there are two bird species common to wetland habitats, can you find them? Elyse Henshaw Conservation Technician
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Throwback Thursday – I love this photo by Noble Proctor of Roger Tory Peterson on a beach with all sorts of waterbirds around. It fits in precisely with our constant work as a partner in the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds (AAfCW), protecting, managing, and educating the public on shorebirds, terns, waders and more across Connecticut in some of Roger’s favorite places. See more on AAfCW:
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