Close-up Deer
This picture by RTPI Affiliate Sean Graesser shows us what we do not want to see. This White-tailed Deer should have a lot more fear of humans, and their overpopulation in many areas is a leading factor in the continuing degradation of our forest understory habitat, especially in consideration of nesting bird species. Apples certainly are a tasty treat, but this is a wild animal, not a petting zoo!
Read MoreGray Hairstreak
This looks like a worn Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus), a butterfly I found recently laying low in the grass. As we enter August we see more and more tattered and torn insects, those strong survivors who have persevered through a tough flight season to feed and reproduce successfully. Between difficult weather, dangerous predators, competition from similar species and human interference it is always special to see the senior citizens of the bug world living on. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreDaddy Longlegs
Those really are some long legs after all…although I believe it is more accurate to call this a harvestman, or opiliones. The story of this being one of the most venormous animals in the world if not for the fact it does not have the requisite fangs to bite humans is a myth on many levels! I did not even notice until posting this photo that it seems to be missing one of those legs… Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreUnintentional Disturbances Threaten Waterbirds
There are a number of activities that can unintentionally scare, disturb or even threaten the survival of our waterbirds throughout the spring and summer seasons. Even a person with good intentions can fail to realize how sensitive a bird like the Piping Plover is, feeling threatened by dogs on the leash as they still see them as a predator invading their territory, making birds more prone to abandoning the area, wasting valuable energy or separating them from eggs or young, increasing mortality. Most beaches in Connecticut ban all dogs during the warm seasons in consideration of public...
Read MoreSong Sparrow Up Close
This up close and personal encounter with a Song Sparrow took place entirely due to its own actions. I was photographing it feeding on some grasses when it kept approaching me, moving closer and closer, totally oblivious to my presence. It would look up at me ever so briefly, I suppose to make sure I was not about to pounce on it, but as you can see by its bill it was far more concerned with seeds than this human. Occasionally you run into a bird that believes you are not a threat or dismisses you entirely because it has prioritized feeding during an emergency situation or is exhausted, but...
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