Red Fox
I had not seen any Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) friends for a while, but this one is clearly as healthy as any can be and looking great. Take a look at that exquisite coat with no sign of mange and no visible injuries to the animal. That in itself is very rare to see in a Red Fox, and without knowing too much I would hazard a guess that this is one of the pups born last year. It spotted me before I spotted it – per usual – and when I stopped it stopped and relaxed. I really do think they know “who” we are, like any dog would after a while, and it knew I was only going to...
Read MoreBlue Dasher
It is odonate season, finally! Our various dragonflies and damselflies are emerging and migrating our way now that there is plenty of food in the air. Here is an up-close look at the Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis). While we at RTPI do not have any specific dragonfly monitoring programs underway this year we will be recording them during all of our other work in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey. This includes programs such as Project Wild America and Bridgeport WildLife Guards, from avian and reptile study sites, Natural History Atlas locations, at Stratford Point and...
Read MoreRed-tailed Hawk
I recently found this calm, cool and collected Red-tailed Hawk hanging out over a pond and not minding a few gawkers like myself passing by for a look and a photo or two. Some birds are just more habituated to humans than others, and this one was content to sit here peacefully – even the songbirds were not paying it any attention. Occasionally it would look down at the frogs below, perhaps pondering about having them as a snack or looking for a snake. For the most part mammals are the biggest part of the menu for them, and maybe this bird was being inquisitive more than anything else....
Read MoreGreat Egrets Return
Here we have one of the many returning Great Egrets seeking out our ponds, lakes and shores throughout the Northeast. This one, photographed last weekend, was in the middle of gulping down a snack. Our weather looks to be improving towards warmer and more typical conditions soon. Perhaps we can say goodbye to snow and freezing temperatures, making life for these birds – and their prey – that much easier. Egrets are a beautiful sight, and one of those species that even the non-birder recognizes and enjoys seeing back in our waters.
Read MoreTree Swallow
Happy Easter! This Tree Swallow is one of many returning individuals migrating north this March, heading back to your yard or patch for the spring nesting season. I thought I would show you this bird from last week instead of showing you some eggs from past years and remind everyone to clean out their boxes now! Birds will be pairing up and starting to build those nests next month. After a cool start to April the long-term forecasts for spring look very warm, and there will be plenty of bugs for these birds to eat. Don’t forget to help them out with the spring cleaning… Scott...
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