Hurricane Matthew & Migration
First of all, my thoughts are with all who were or are experiencing the very worst of Hurricane Matthew, a deadly tropical cyclone that has been ravaging areas from Haiti to Cuba, the Bahamas, and now the United States. I, like you undoubtedly, know people who took some of the heavy blows from the storm in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. It proved to be a very difficult forecast which only exacerbated fears, and as heavy rain falls right now in the Mid-Atlantic and New England before the post-tropical cyclone heads out to sea instead of taking that long-discussed loop,...
Read MoreLeast Flycatcher (Empidonax minimus)
I love the Least Flycatcher’s scientific name (Empidonax minimus) as it is so very easy to understand. The tiniest of the empidonax flycatchers has a bold eye ring, and any yellow or green you seen on the feathers of this bird was a reflection of today’s warm morning light off the surrounding foliage. This was one of many cool migrants I enjoyed early this Friday, and the kind bird posed so well for me during an otherwise frustrating photography day. I wish you a wonderful Labor Day weekend of heading outdoors to see what you can find. It will also be a weekend of seeing what is...
Read MoreRemnants of Hurricane Patricia
As the remnants of Hurricane Patricia passes over Western New York, high winds and rain are churning up Chautauqua Lake. This morning I quickly snapped off a few shots in between rain drops of this raft of American Coots riding the waves, hopefully they don’t get seasick! Elyse Henshaw Conservation Technician
Read MoreRadar Migration October 1, 2015
Here is an impressive view of the eastern United States just after midnight today, October 1, 2015. The precipitation we can see south of New England over the ocean and into the Mid-Atlantic and south is from a cold front that passed through yesterday and is now nearly stationary. It allowed migrant birds to take to the air on subsequent strong northerly winds. However, this front will creep back to the west, and we do not yet know what Hurricane Joaquin will do to the east coast. It will most likely thread the needle between an Atlantic high and a coastal low, moving into the Mid-Atlantic...
Read MoreBlizzard Inbound?
Here’s the snowfall on tap for Roger Tory Peterson’s old Nutmeg home from midday tomorrow through Wednesday morning along with winds gusting to near hurricane force. In all it means a blizzard warning is in effect for this entire region. Birds are extremely resilient and resourceful but some of them may want to be winging it a bit further south later this week once it clears. They will also head towards the coast and end up in many places where our Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds crew works all spring and summer. Be safe!
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