Leaf Lovers
Welcome to October! It is a wonderful month of the year for the leaf lovers among us, and one of the crew is certainly the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla). These little warblers prefer to stay on the forest floor among the dead leaves that have now started to fall. I was very grateful for such an uncommonly sensational look at the loud but typically unseen species earlier this year. Scott Kruitbosch Conservation & Outreach Coordinator
Read MoreYellow-headed Blackbird
Here is a bird you do not see too often around these parts – the Yellow-headed Blackbird! This immature male, found a few weeks ago by Stefan Martin, should ordinarily not be farther east than Illinois or Wisconsin. However, it took a wrong turn during migration and ended up all the way on the Atlantic Coast with us at Stratford Point, CT. He has been hanging out with Common Grackles, Red-winged Blackbirds, and Brown-headed Cowbirds while feeding on seed we put out plus whatever insects it can find. The bird has started singing, too, perching on various trees, snags, wires, and shrubs...
Read MoreWhite-throated Sparrow
Here is a photo of a White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) toughing it out in a recent snowstorm. Despite the fact that we were in the middle of February, this bird was already sporting its spring courting plumage; evidenced by its bright white throat and vibrant yellow lores. This is one of the first species you can expect to hear singing at the end of winter; their “oh-sweet-Canada” or “poor-Sam-Peabody” tune resonates from the brush. In some cases you might see White-throated Sparrows year-round – some birds will overwinter in the Northeast and head...
Read MoreMale House Finch
Here is a recent photo of a male House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) on a snowy afternoon. The beautiful red shades of this guy really stand out against the drab surroundings, and their cheery songs can already be heard here in February on some of the warmer, sunnier days. It is one of the first signs of “spring” as the days began to grow longer. The Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) is a similar species and often confused with the House Finch, especially because both enjoy coming to backyard bird feeders. Roger Tory Peterson described the Purple Finch as having been...
Read MoreAmerican Goldfinch
The summer shades may have worn away but there is still an awful lot to like about this American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis). This November bird is one of many we can enjoy even as the rest of the colors begin to fade around us. They can be one of the more confusing species to some people who see them at their feeders this time of year owing to the variability in their molt, even if those birders have their handy Peterson Field Guide. The finch’s dull and patchy winter look may seem strange as it is such a shift from their glowing gold.
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